A Mom's Food Guide for Preschoolers

Preschoolers usually are hard to convince in eating nutritious food. Within this stage, you've got to be creative for making your child eat up healthy meals. Outsmarting your kid can be a struggle but you also have to try to allow it to be fun for you both. You never want your child to own a traumatic encounter with their food intake within early youth. To make it a bit easier for you, here's a food guide for the preschooler.

Food preparation

It's better than feed your son or daughter with food prepared on your own kitchen. Avoid frozen items and ready-made meals from fast food chains. Ask your kid for the kind of food to prepare yourself with giving them healthy alternatives. Publish something new every day. You may also let your kid assist you to in basic activities as well to promote his/her abilities and abilities. Throughout the preparation, you'll be able to show your kid the importance of eating the food you both prepared. Educate him on the benefits of healthy and nutritious meals. Share this beautiful learning adventure with your child.

Daily Meal Plan

You can prepare an everyday meal plan so as to avoid stress in deciding what food to make for this particular meal that is specific. Make an effort to generate a variety of delicious recipes that are full of nutrient value. Here's a Quick food list you can mix and match which are advisable for every meal:

Protein : Wheat cereal with fruits and milk (whole meal), complete wheat muffin/whole wheat bread, egg with mayonnaise, tomato slices, a slice of cheese, Skim milk/1% milk, Water

Morning Snack: Fruit pieces, Yogurt, Water

Steak : Rice (little quantity )/rice soup/bean soup/wheat crackers, Fish (e.g. fish, poultry ), fruits and vegetables (e.g. carrots, celery, and cucumber with dressing), Milk, Water

Afternoon Snack: Vegetables and fruits (carrot sticks, apple wedges,banana), Hummus, Water

Dinner: Rice (small amount)/Pasta, Meat (e.g. chicken, fish, shrimp ( legumes }), vegetables (side dish), Water

Before Bedtime: Fruit smoothie, Milk, Yogurt

Food Amount

Food GroupDaily Amount of Food ServingAges 2-3Ages 4-5Grain Products (per oz.) 34-5Fruits and Vegetables (each cup)44-5 Meat and alternatives (per ounce.) Two 3-4 Milk and choices (a cup)Two Two Iron requirements

Iron is essential for toddlers since they have been at an increased risk for iron deficiency after 12 months of age. They are required to take 7 milligrams of iron daily. Avoid going for cow's milk as it's low in iron. Always make sure you incorporate iron-enriched food in your meal plans as well.

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